Natural Love

Natural Love does not ask you to be perfect
Natural Love asks you only to look on another with kindness
To look through the eyes of an osprey catching fish, or a bear in sleepy preparation for hibernation, or to wait with the lodge-pole pine for fifty years for a fire hot enough to release its seeds to the earth

Natural Love does not ask you to be right
Natural Love asks only that you release your clutching hands around the throat of your life and open your fingers to let go of regret and disappointment
To smile like the wolves of your dreams running across the desert past the skeletons of worry and not good enough

Natural Love does not ask you to win
Natural Love asks you only to see with your heart, softly,
with the moonlight in your hair and dandelions at your feet

© Mary Lou Newmark 2011
Natural Love was published on October 31, 2012 in the Original Van Gogh’s Ear Anthology:  Freely showcasing the most creative minds on the planet.